09 July 2016

Top 10 healthiest Country in the world

From hundreds of countries around the world, there were 10 countries deemed the world's healthiest. This healthy State category views based on the amount of the gross domestic product that is used to estimate health and life. In addition, the population of the country and also into consideration. Let's we see Top 10 healthiest Country in the world, there are:

1. Monaco
Monaco is a country town on the shores of the Côte d'Azur (French Riviera), Europe. The inhabitants are only 38.320, and included the country with the third highest life expectancy in the world. In terms of security, including the country's safest Monaco, with the highest number of police officers per capita. This country's got awesome views and a beautiful coastline.
2. Japan
The number of population 127.3 million. Life expectancy in Japan 84.74. People often assume the 250cc, as one of the countries for the world. But not only that. 50,000 residents of Japan are over 100 years old. The nation's obesity rate of only 3.5%As a cross reference: in the US the number is more than 30%.
3. Iceland
The number of population 330,000. The country is also called ice Land 102,775 km². It is located in Northwest Europe in the North Atlantic Ocean. Life expectancy in Iceland 82.97. The gross domestic product that is used for the healthcare sector: 9.1%. Iceland is a country with the highest population in the world. Men's average height: about 2.2 meter.
4. Switzerland
The vast country in the Alps this 41,285 km². The number of its citizens 8.02 million. Figure harapah life 82.5. Gross domestic product of 11.5% was used to finance the health sector. Switzerland is also located at the top of the list of the world's cleanest countries, according to Forbes.
5. Luxembourg
Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe, and bordered by France, Germany, Belgium. The extent of 2,586 km², and a population of 543,202 people. The level of life expectancy is 77. The mortality rate of children under five years of age in this country is the world's smallest. According to the online media Business Insider, this is the best country in the world.
6. Australia
Australia's population totaled 23.91 million, and the level of life expectancy in that country 82.15. Its gross domestic product of 9.4% was used for the health care sector. According to the World Happiness Report, Australia is the country to ten the happiest in the world.
7. Sweden
The country is one of the Scandinavian countries, and the shape of the monarchy. The extent of 450,295 km², and a total population 9.80 million. The country's life expectancy rate of 81.98. Of gross domestic product, 9.7% was used for the health care sector.
8. Austria
Austria is in Central Europe and shares borders with Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The extent of 83,878.99 km², and a total population 8.47 million. According to the Index health care system, Austria was the sixth best in the world.
9. the Netherlands
Netherlands breadth 42,508 km², and has a population of 16.84 million. The level of life expectancy 81.23. Netherlands is a country geographically berpermukaan is low, with about 20% of its territory, and 21% of the population living in areas lower thansea level. 50% of land less than one meter above sea level. Therefore the name of the country was the Netherlands (low berdaratan lands)
10. Singapore
Singapore, an island city-state off southern Malaysia, is a global financial centre with a tropical climate and multicultural population. In circa-1820 Chinatown stands the red-and-gold Buddha’s Tooth Relic Temple, Little India offers colorful souvenirs and Arab Street is lined with fabric shops. Singapore is also known for eclectic street fare, served in hawker centres such as Tiong Bahru and Maxwell Road. Having Population 5.399 million and Area 719.1 km²

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